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Chemical Pregnancy

Chemical Pregnancy

Do you know what a chemical pregnancy is? Have you ever been through one? Read on and you can find out everything you need to know about chemical pregnancies.

How Fast Can You Get Pregnant?

How Fast Can You Get Pregnant?

How fast can you get pregnant? That depends on various conditions like medical condition, history and age. If you want to get pregnant fast, have a try for these 6 tips!

HCG Trigger Shot

HCG Trigger Shot

HCG, or the pregnancy hormone, is very important for getting pregnant. Hcg trigger shot can improve chances of fertility. Learn how it's administered and what to expect.

When and How to Potty Train Your Girl

When and How to Potty Train Your Girl

Girls' potty training can be fairly easy with careful planning. Using our 10 golden rules to help make potty training a pleasant experience for you and your daughter.
